Noticias The Blueberry. The composition and nutritional value of it are a treasure for our health. In addition to their tasty flavor, these delicate berries are the perfect complement to add to our diet and generate a change in our metabolism. #blueberries #health #healthy #treasure #healthy lifestyle #full life #Energy #superfruit #arandanostrucao #delcampoalaboca #fruit #life #healthandwellness...

There are many foods that we add to a healthy diet But how sure are we of the benefits it brings us? In this post we want to mention the main characteristics of why the #blueberry is a Super Fruit. Benefits: • Low sugar content. • High level of antioxidants...

Full Harvest in the Trucao farm, taking out its different varieties through different sectors. The exporter Trucao Berries completing its containers for its different markets, adapting according to its demand. [gallery ids="4041,4042,4046,4047,4043,4017,4016"]...

The fruit is grows and the harvesters ready to take out this great fruit. Trucao Berries. Ready ready with its fruit exporting and reaching different parts of the world adapting to the market. [gallery ids="3838"] ...

Full harvest times by Agricola. The blueberries of different varieties are harvested by seasonal experts in this fruit. Trucao Berries selecting their fruit. Quality, color and flavor. [gallery ids="4025,3681,3379"]...

The perfect size. Crunchy and bloom Trucao Berries with very good fruit for Export   [gallery ids="4016,4017,4007"]...

The 2021-2022 season begins in TrucaoBerries. Great Agricola Trucao Work are already reaching the first varieties to Packing. #teamwork                                                      ...

These spectacular blueberries are already growing their buds. Its buds are bigger than ever and the size will be incomparable to other years!  What a great job he does trucao berries and the farm Agricola Trucao.   ...

The transfer of pollen from the male parts to the female parts of the plant is vital for the plant. 90% of the flowers receive their help from some pollinating animal, approximately one third of the total volume of the fruit benefits through animal pollination. At...

Rainy days have passed at Agrícola Trucao, where days with a blue sky and a great sun have also surprised us. Qualities that make the blueberry potent in a fulminate way against these strong climatic zones. It is one of the Virtues of being in an Area...